Since my second child was born I just couldn't find the time to return to running. I had been attending strength and conditioning classes directly after work two days a week but the numbers dwindled for the classes and then disappointingly the classes ceased.
Before having children I had gone for a run at least 3 times a week and played other sports on top of that each week like tennis or tag rugby. With two children, finding the time to keep fit is hard, there is always batch cooking, ironing and the laundry basket to be attacked! Another reason I wasn't joining the run club was lack of self esteem, even though I used to be a runner, since having my babies I felt as if I had lost some of my fitness confidence, what if I couldn't keep up!?
So I convinced two of my neighbours who also have young babies to start, we all gave it a shot. We completed a 4k the first Monday night, I felt great. We came back on the Wednesday and did just over the 5k and I really enjoyed it. The ladies are all really nice, we chat and run, its all very easy and I wonder what was I ever worried about.
The bad weather and dark nights were a killer in December and they are the same in January but once you are out there running you don't even notice, honestly!! Most of the ladies have young children so the 8.00pm start time suits families and bedtime.
Look for your local run club, I would highly recommend joining. It is a great way of getting fit for free, making friends in the community and it's nice to see mums motivating mums.
Definitely a new years resolution I plan on keeping!!
Don't forget you can keep up to date with Countryside Mumsie on our social media accounts facebook and instagram.
Are you in a run club? How do other mums keep fit? I'd love to hear Xx
Thanks for reading
Orla & Kerri Xx
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