Lose Calories at Lunch??
This is a lot easier than it sounds, it just involves some small changes on your behalf;
Choose the Right Foods
Low carbohydrate, high fibre foods take more time to digest than other foods, thus leaving you feeling fuller for longer and then less likely to snack. Choose spinach, broccoli, asparagus and cauliflower and vegetables in general. Soup is great!
Eat Lightly and Often
It is a known fact that for most people, the body uses up more energy digesting smaller meals every few hours than by eating the same number of calories in two or three sittings.

Eat Salmon
Salmon eaters lose significantly more weight than beef eaters, even though the calories consumed may be equal.
Spice It Up
It is said that some spicy foods can temporarily increase metabolism. Try pepper flakes on a salad.
This is one I have just started to do. Replace oils and fats like animal fats and sunflower oil with medium chain fatty acids such as coconut oils. I have heard this helps you lose more body fat! Ill let you know, fingers crossed!
Take Vitamin D
It is recommended to take 2,000 milligrams daily!
If you laugh for 10 to 15 minutes a day you can burn up to 50 calories!
Wear High Heels
Every few days wear your high heels, this helps tone your legs as it works different muscles in the calves and thighs.
You can burn up to 350 calories a day more from just fidgeting. the impulse to fidget may be hardwired but it can be imitated. tap your feet, pace the room or move restlessly in your seat? just try and look somewhat normal too ;-)
I partake in circuit training and strength and conditioning classes in a gym near my work place. Check out your local gym timetable.
Having and maintaining good posture can make you look taller and also strengthens your abdominal muscles.
Beware of Sugar
Sugar triggers the body to release insulin, which transports sugar to the cells to be used as energy or will be stored as fast.
Drink Coffee
Caffeine increases the rate at which we burn calories.
So here's to fitting into the Christmas party dress!
If you have any other tips please let us know, would love to hear!
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Thanks for reading Orla & Kerri xx
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