My husband and I got our Standard Schnauzer Jesse a good few years before we got married. I wont lie she was alot of work at the beginning and even up to the age of 2 years.Now she is 8 years old and just lies around the patio/garden or sits near the kids playing. When we first brought my eldest daughter home from the maternity she barked every time she cried (even at night!) you can imagine my frustration, but as the weeks went on everyone got used to the new family unit. Now we would never change it, the kids love her,our baby girl calls her 'CiCi'.
Starting Out (Hassel Free Mini Pets)
The following pets are interesting and can test out a child's willingness to take on the responsibility of a larger animal down the line.
Maybe start here first and then move on.
-Stick insects
Ant/worm Farms
Caring Behaviour-How to Teach this to your child?
The benefits of looking after a pet are wide ranging and often surprising. Children with pets are said to have stronger immune systems, resulting in fewer days missed at school. Children who own pets are said to have increased self esteem and compassion and finally it is said that they find it easier to share also.
Teaching your child how to be a responsible pet owner takes time and effort on your behalf but it is certainly worth it. Teach your child consideration by always respecting the pet and never handling the pet roughly. Inform your child about how pets need 'Quite Time' and must not be constantly disturbed. Teach your child how to correctly handle a pet to avoid pulling of the tail etc. Finally give your child responsibility by giving them at least one part of the pets daily care need to carry out i.e changing the water bowl.
Pet Hygiene
It is very important to teach a child basic pet hygiene.
Here are a few pointers to remember;
-Always wash hands after touching animals.
-Don't let pets sleep on beds
-Don't let cats walk on tables or kitchen surfaces
-No rodent cages in bedrooms
-Feeding bowls always away from human food preparation areas
-Never let pets beg at the table or lick plates
House Hygiene and Pets
-Keep the house well ventilated and encourage pets to go outside
-If you have a dog or cat, you need to vacuum daily, paying special attention to upholstery
-Shake out pets bedding daily, hot wash it weekly.
-Clean cages weekly and do it outside if at all possible.
So if you are planning on welcoming a pet into the household best wishes, you wont regret it. Pets are an amazing addition to any family. Do you have a family pet, what is your experience? I would love to hear?
Don't forget you can keep up to date with Countryside Mumsie on our social media accounts facebook and instagram.
Thanks for reading,
Orla & Kerri Xx
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