Thursday, 24 September 2015

Getting Rid of the Bedrail-Gro-to-Bed Review


Today's post is about how my husband and I successfully said goodbye to the not so eye pleasing bedrail on our eldest daughters beautiful Antique Bed.  About a month ago I was very fortunate to receive a fabulous package in the post from 'The Gro Company'.  They asked me to review the product "Gro to Bed -Single Cover".  It was a perfect product for my three year old daughter Farrah to review as she is in her own single bed.  This product, as all The Gro Company's products serve a very functional purpose.  I knew this product would be functional but I didn't know how cute and girly the style of the cover would be.  My daughter loved the pinks and greens, she was very happy to hop in to bed and try it out.  Not only is the cover girly and pretty but it is also great quality.  I have now washed it numerous times and it still looks and feels great.

The Gro-To-Bed product contains a bed sheet and duvet cover.  The bedsheet has many key factors to it.  It contains a built in pillow case.  This prevents the toddler/childs head going under the pillow during the night, and the pillow falling out of the bed altogether.  The bedsheet comes with straps that secure under the mattress, keeping it securely on and fitted no matter how much movement takes place. The bedsheet has zips on it.  These secure the duvet in place on to the bed sheet.  This is the best feature of the product for me.  This stopped the, in the middle of the night wake up calls to 'cover me up' that we were so used to from an ordinary duvet cover.  The bedrail was removed on the first night we tried this product out.  Having the zips on each side of the toddler/child while they sleep keeps them secure in the bed.  To date our daughter has not once fallen out of the bed and the bedrail now takes its new home in the attic!  I highly recommend this product.  I recommend buying two packs of linen as when one set is ready for the wash you therefore have another ready to go as spare.


This product by The Gro Company has gifted my daughter with an amazing self confidence and happiness within herself.  She now confidently and proudly informs her teacher/extended family and friends how she no longer has a bedrail and how she stays in her own bed 'ALL' night.  Thank you The Gro company, the Gro-To-Bed product has helped us along the way of another milestone quickly, easily and hassel free whilst making our child feel confident and happy within herself.

To purchase the Gro-To-Bed simply click on here 

Thanks for reading.  Do you have the Gro-To-Bed product or any of the other Gro Company products?  I would love to hear!?

Don't forget you can keep up to date with Countryside Mumsie on our social media accounts facebook and instagram.

Lots of Love,

Orla & Kerri Xx

Friday, 18 September 2015

Is it Time to Get Your Child a Pet?

I always had a dog growing up.  I have some lovely memories of my dog growing up in the countryside.  I had a black Labrador, his name was Prince and I was absolutely mad about him. I remember clearly the day I got him and the day I found out he had died.  All these emotions, ups and downs are part of life and a great learning tool for children.  I personally think it is very important for a child to grow up with a pet.  What you need to make sure is that, it is the right time to introduce an animal into your family.

My husband and I got our Standard Schnauzer Jesse a good few years before we got married. I wont lie she was alot of work at the beginning and even up to the age of 2 years.Now she is 8 years old and just lies around the patio/garden or sits near the kids playing.  When we first brought my eldest daughter home from the maternity she barked every time she cried (even at night!) you can imagine my frustration, but as the weeks went on everyone got used to the new family unit.  Now we would never change it, the kids love her,our baby girl calls her 'CiCi'.

Pets can be a great way to teach responsibility and affection to children.  If you are still at the toddler stage think carefully if you want and have the time for a young animal and all the feeding and toilet training that goes with it.  Getting a pet is not a decision to take lightly.  Vets bills, insurance, kennel fees and licence costs all add up.

Starting Out (Hassel Free Mini Pets)
The following pets are interesting and can test out a child's willingness to take on the responsibility of a larger animal down the line. 
Maybe start here first and then move on.

-Stick insects
Ant/worm Farms

Caring Behaviour-How to Teach this to your child?

The benefits of looking after a pet are wide ranging and often surprising. Children with pets are said to have stronger immune systems, resulting in fewer days missed at school.  Children who own pets are said to have increased self esteem and compassion and finally it is said that they find it easier to share also.

Teaching your child how to be a responsible pet owner takes time and effort on your behalf but it is certainly worth it. Teach your child consideration by always respecting the pet and never handling the pet roughly.  Inform your child about how pets need 'Quite Time' and must not be constantly disturbed.  Teach your child how to correctly handle a pet to avoid pulling of the tail etc. Finally give your child responsibility by giving them at least one part of the pets daily care need to carry out i.e changing the water bowl.

Pet Hygiene
It is very important to teach a child basic pet hygiene.
Here are a few pointers to remember;
-Always wash hands after touching animals.
-Don't let pets sleep on beds
-Don't let cats walk on tables or kitchen surfaces
-No rodent cages in bedrooms
-Feeding bowls always away from human food preparation areas
-Never let pets beg at the table or lick plates

House Hygiene and Pets
-Keep the house well ventilated and encourage pets to go outside
-If you have a dog or cat, you need to vacuum daily, paying special attention to upholstery 
-Shake out pets bedding daily, hot wash it weekly.
-Clean cages weekly and do it outside if at all possible.

So if you are planning on welcoming a pet into the household best wishes, you wont regret it.  Pets are an amazing addition to any family.  Do you have a family pet, what is your experience?  I would love to hear?

Don't forget you can keep up to date with Countryside Mumsie on our social media accounts facebook and instagram.

Thanks for reading,
Orla & Kerri Xx

Friday, 4 September 2015

Toddler Knitted Snood **Free Simple Pattern**

With it now being September and Autumn being certainly upon us, I thought it would be a perfect time to give you a knitting project! Even if you are a complete beginner you will still have it ready in time for winter when your toddler needs it most! 

I consider myself a knitting beginner. I only got back into it when I first became a mum. I had learnt it in primary school, just the basics. A lovely lady I work with inspired me to start and she has really helped me along the way. Thanks Lorraine! 

The 'Toddler Snood' is a really simple piece. It will only take you a few evenings to finish. The toddler snood is unisex, just pick your colour wool to go with your child's personality. My girls love pink and purples so I went with those. The girls wore their snoods everyday in the winter and I got lovely compliments about them! Another bonus is that because they go over the head they can't be easily lost when they are out and about.

For the snood in the image I bought the wool in Dealz where it was 3 for 2, each ball of wool costing 1.49e 

Give it go! You never know you might catch the knitting bug!!

I used 5.0mm needles
Cast on 40 stitches
I used two colours for each snood.
For the snood I used the basic knit stitch
15 lines of pink
15 lines of white 
15 lines of pink
15 lines of white
15 lines of pink
Cast off
Double over your knitting and sew together inside out to hide stitches and loose ends.
Sew the two ends together.

Let me know how you get on, I love to hear from fellow knitters! :-)

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Thanks for reading,

Orla & Kerri Xx



Wednesday, 2 September 2015

My biggest parenting date!!

What was I thinking!!!! Clearly I wasn't thinking at all!!!

So, to get a background to this story,  (and to comfort myself (Kerri) rather than rush straight into my big mistake!) .....When my Darling Son's aunties suggested a goldfish we thought it was a brilliant idea. He has loads of toys and we knew he would be very excited about a pet. Plus we thought it would teach responsibility etc etc etc!! What we didn't think it would bring up was the topic of death! 

Poor stanley
Not even a month in our home and the much loved Stanley (name chosen by Seán) was found floating in the tank. Daddy  and I thought it might upset Seán so we quickly flushed him down the toilet before he even noticed. We then told him Stanley had died and now was in heaven with Socks (Granny's cat!) Initially he was ok with this. We told him we could get a new fish and maybe even two so they can be friends! 

Over the next day or two he was all questions about death. I tried to explain as best I could, telling him that my Granny and Daddy's Granny are in heaven too. I thought Baby he was getting this, he asked a few more questions, and seemed happy with the little chats we had about it. How wrong I was.....when we called over to Granny one day, Seán ran over to her, gave her a very tight squeezy hug and calls over to tell me "Her not dead". Oh how my heart sang, all this time poor little boy thought his Granny, like his fish was dead and gone forever! I felt so guilty. He was obviously sad about this, but his feelings didn't match mine and so he didn't show them! So we tried to explain again we did it in much less detail and just focused on getting the new fish! I asked for advice from other mums and got great ideas....little did I think I would be using these ideas so soon!!!!

Brining Pizza and Pancakes home
The following week, Pizza and Pancakes (Seán again choosing excellent names!) were bought in the local pet shop. We had the tank cleaned out and ready for them. 3 days later and Pizza was a floater! I couldn't believe it!!! Right, those ideas come into play. This time I showed Seán  Pizza floating, he asked why he died, I simply answered that maybe he was very old! ??? What was I meant to say! I hadn't a flipping clue what we were doing wrong with these Fish!! We decided to burry Pizza in the garden, Seán choose the sopt: a flower pot! He got his shovel and we made a little hole...placed Pizza and covered him over. I asked would we get a flower to put on, this idea was totally rejected, so we put a leaf! Seán, of his own accord said 'Bye Pizza', turned with his shovel and went back into the house!! Bingo! What a success! Mom of the year award still in sight!!! OR NOT!!! Read on.......

We had been to the library that morning 
Burying Pizza 
so we came in and read some of the book. 'Eric the Hero' was a great choice as Seán didn't fully know what a hero was before and now was all chat about heros! Great I thought!! So as the rain poured down outside, I thought it would be a nice treat to put on a movie and snuggle on the couch! sure he was thrilled at the idea. Here is the part I stopped using my brain!!!! I opened the DVD cupboard and a 'fishy' themed DVD grabbed my attention. Ah lovely I thought, this will be a nice movie to watch about happy Fish, playing and laughing and would really cheer up Seán!!! The DVD in question: 'Finding Nemo'! Have YOU ever seem 'Finding Nemo'! I hadn't seen it in years!!! And clearly had forgotten the story!!!! It was awful!!! 15 mins in he burst into tears, was shaking and had his fists clenched! He was soo upset!! I tried to comfort him, telling him wait to see who the Hero will be! My mind was racing! What had i just done!!!! I had completely added total sadness to an already upsetting(ish) day! Never before had I seen such sadness and upset from Seán. I honestly think this was his first time experiencing utter sadness. Should I turn the DVD off? Should I wait and hope there is a happy ending? I didn't know what to do! He was sitting shaking tucked in beside me, his eyes not leaving the TV. I decided on the latter, as the tears flew down his face throughout the movie I hoped against hope that the hero would swim in and save the day! This was a long time coming.....I skipped many scenes until finally Hero Dad arrived, saved Nemo and then....over!!! an hour of utter terror, sadness and  suspense for 5 minutes happiness at the end!!!! I tried to make a big deal of the hero coming etc but all I cold think was "what the hell had i just done!!" I honestly didn't know wether to burst out laughing or crying!!  

Bad DVD choice! 
Off with the telly, out comes jigsaws, lego, paints, fire engines, train name I was more than willing to play it! I must admit...I also went to the treat box and pulled out a lollypop...when that was gone I then puled out a packet of jellies!!!! What was I doing!!!! I actually didn't know what to do!!! Do I talk about it some more.....he's 3, how much will he really get.......but I cant just try ignore it....or can I? Seán seemed happy out again....but was he just hiding his emotions again??

No I think he left out all his sadness, the first fish, thinking Granny had died, the second fish and now Nemo! I think it was all bottled up and Nemo took the cock off the bottle. Daddy and I will try very gentle to talk and read stories about feelings and showing feelings with him over his entire life but I think we've enough for now! The very last thing I want is to be putting on my counsellor hat, Im Mom. 

But showing 'Finding Nemo' God almighty! What was I thinking!!!!! What have I done?!?!?

So there it biggest (that Im aware!) parenting mistake to date! And yes I know there will be many more to come, but the first was tough! 

I will put up the resources and ideas I received from other mums about dealing with death with a toddler/preschooler. Maybe they can be of help to you. I would love to hear your thoughts on this, how you have dealt with death with your child how they reacted, and what you might do differently. 

Thanks for reading. 

Kerri and Orla xx

Don't forget you can keep up to date with Countryside Mumsie on our social media accounts facebook and instagram.