Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Choosing Playschool over Montessori

So this a decision all us parents make and us mums decided to go against the status quo. 

When making this decision we came across some really interesting research and we were very surprised to find out that "Parents with higher levels of education are more likely to use Montessori and less likely to use a play-school settings for the Free Preschool Year. (Growing up in Ireland Study, Nov 2013)" Why is this? Is this due to un-researched decisions, public perception, personal choice, best-fit for child or is it just snobbery? 

Yes we both choose to send our little ones to a playschool, not a Montessori! 

We are not for one minute dissing the Montessori method, in fact as teachers we have both studied and since very much admire the ideas of Maria Montessori. We are just sharing our reasons to choose  a playschool with you. 

In Ireland we have what’s known as the 'Free Preschool Year' or the proper name is 'The Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Scheme'. When the Government were pressured to do something in relation to the importance of early education, instead of looking at alternatives, other countries etc., they did what they do best, a quick fix solution: Throw money at the problem! So the ECCE scheme started in 2010. All children aged between 3 years 3 months and 4 years 6 months on 1st September are entitled to free preschool care for 3 hours a day, 5 days a week, over 38 weeks. This is a free benefit available to all children. While I have reservations about this being the correct approach to engaging in early education, while it's still available I’m not complaining! 

Our little ones will meet the age requirements for his ECCE year this coming September, (although my little one will only do 2-3days this year: story for another day!!) you can calculate for your child here. We wanted to make sure we had them booked in, familiar with the idea etc. well before starting. For me, Kerri we are fortunate where we live to have an excellent Montessori school just up the road, a pre- school within walking distance, a Naíonra a short spin away, and two play schools near by. We are spoiled for choice. Which is why so much thought and research went into it! 

We chose to send our little darlings to a play-school and here’s why:

(1) All preschool services are regulated the same under the preschool regulations regarding HSE inspections, room size, staff , child ratios etc. They must also follow a documented curriculum to be in the ECCE scheme. This set our mind at rest that a play-school might not be 'up to scratch' regulation wise, as people would lead you to believe. 

(2) Seán is an only child, and Farrah is the eldest child.  Social interaction, learning to share, taking turns, making friends and having fun, was our main objectivities for him. We are less concerned about pre reading, phonics, writing etc, this will be done at home but not overloaded, this is the junior infants curriculum. There is so much time to learn this in school. 

(3) The importance of play

This really is the MAIN reason. 
(excuse me here, I do go on a bit of a rant, but I’m just so passionate about it's importance!!) 

Play is considered so important to a child’s development that the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) has established it as every child’s right
Play is a child’s way of making sense of the world – a learning tool that engages, motivates, challenges and pleases.
Play gives them an opportunity to demonstrate all that they have observed and learned about the real world and at the same time the opportunity to experiment with how they can make that learning useful in their own world.
Children are born with an innate drive to learn – they want to be seen as smart, intelligent and capable people who can do things, who know things and who are well connected with family and friends.
Play is not about completing one task at a time but about dealing with multiple tasks such as relationships, activities, problem solving, other peoples’ ideas and creating companionship and enjoyment, all at the same time.

We chose a play-school because play is what happens from the minute the children walk in the door. It is not all free play, but play is key. There is not just a 'play space' but the whole environment, both inside and out are created for play. Toys of all shapes, sizes and all the 'gender specific' toys are free for all to use. There is a shop area, a kitchen area, a garage, a hairdressers and so much more, there are boxes of jigsaws, blocks, bead threading, dolls, buggies, trucks, tractors, and that’s just what Seán could recall to help me write this! Play is the emphasis in every corner of the room. 

(4) The ethos, the athmosphere, the staff, and the facilities are warm, welcoming and inviting for children and parents. While this can be true for any type of pre school choice, the particular play-school we chose is a home away from home. All the children run in the door and have smiles on their faces when being collected. This is important to us. 

(5) Outdoor play area. I don't mean a herb garden or poly tunnel, I mean tyre swings, slides with a muddy puddle at the end (peppa would love it), sand pits with diggers, play houses for tea parties/shops etc.  The outdoors is one of the best learning environments for young children, providing an opportunity to explore, experience and make meaning of the natural world. Children learn through play, movement, communication, and sensory experience which the outdoors provides for on a much greater scale than indoors. Play-schools let children make a cabby under the bushes and use the slide as a rocket ship, yes the children are told the names of these bushes, but it is when they encounter them, not sitting inside looking at a picture of a bush. 

(6) The particular playschool we chose is near the primary school we hope our son will go too, so hopefully he will make friends that will be in his class right through primary school. 

This post is not intended as a comparison. We just wanted to share our passion for the importance of play, and hence our decision to choose a play-school. Each child is unique and individual, a play-school is what we think will suit ours, whenever another  should come along we will choose a pre-school setting that best suits their needs. The Free year could be gone by then so cost could be playing a massive factor! So while it's lasting Id advise every parent to grab it with open arms. You have the luxury of choosing to send your son or daughter to whichever pre school setting you choose, so do your research, make an informed choice, choose a pre-school setting that best suits the need of your son or daughter. God knows the next child might have to learn their ABC's from this child should the government remove the scheme! 

We'd love to hear your thoughts and comments on this topic. 

Now we're off to play!

Untill Next time,

Kerri and Orla 

 facebook and instagram.

References: Growing up in Ireland Study, Infant Cohort, Nov 2013, 
                   Cork County Childcare, 
                   Early Childhood Ireland.

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  1. Great Post, it really helped me in choosing playschool over Montessori and I have started sending my child to Phoenix pre-k. I think it is first step for a child to learn new things easily.

  2. Interesting to read. I liked it. I appreciate this post and I personally use both these methods in my classroom lately I am busy in making a project for the preschool kids to teach spellings and vocabulary to my students. I found very helpful for this.
